Health Advisory on Covid-19

Health Advisory on Covid-19 1

In line with the MOH precautionary measures post Circuit Breaker measurement, the Singapore Pain Solutions Pte Ltd will be taking precautionary measures in response to the government safe opening business guideline.

We strongly encourage the patient to come alone, although we do understand that you would like to have your family members to accompany you. Unless you are minor or an elderly who needs assistance, we strongly encourage you to come alone for your visit.

safe entry_phase 1_2

All patients and their accompanied family are asked to refrain from visiting Singapore Pain Solutions if you have any of the following:

1) Fever (above 36.8) and flu symptoms,
2) Travel history outside Singapore in the last 14 days
3) Contact with people who have travelled outside Singapore in the last 14 days
4) Persons under SHN will have to remain in their place of residence at all time during the 14-days period. Those placed on SHN will be required to monitor their health closely and avoid contact with others. They should seek medical attention promptly if they feel unwell.

If you have any travel history outside Singapore please fill out the travel declaration form when you enter the clinic.

safe entry_Phase 1

Additional screening and the precautionary measure will take place upon your arrival:

1) Scan safe entry QR code before you enter the premise
2) Sanitise your hands
3) Take a temperature reading
4) Wear a mask during the entire visit.

For new patients, our front desk assistant will help you to complete the declaration form before your appointment.

Here’s a video of what you can expect during your first visit from June 2nd:

If you have any further questions regarding our clinic’s safe reopening procedures, you can view the safe reopening guidelines by The Alliance of Chiropractic Singapore.

Our clinic seeks your understanding of this matter as we would like to be socially responsible and actively taking precautions to reduce the risk of community spread in Singapore.

#sgunited #togetherstronger

Dr. Jenny Li

Dr. Jenny Li
Founding Chiropractor at Singapore Pain Solutions

Dr. Jenny Li is America trained chiropractor who specialises in sports injury, sports performance, and spinal health. She graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in United States, upon completion of the her post graduate program she practiced in Hong Kong and currently is practicing in Singapore.

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